Singles Championships 2019 / 2020 – Run and Won

The singles Championship 2019 / 2020 for both Ladies and Men was completed today in two very close contests.

Ladies Singles Championship winner is Lyn Plater with Chris Starbuck as runner-up. Lyn certainly did not have it all her own way as Chris fought back to make it 18 all in a first to 21 contest. Lyn took another breath in the last two ends to get to 21 in an exceptionally close contest. This was not Lyn’s first time in our winners circle as she engraved her name on the trophy in 2016 / 2017 and was runner-up in 2017 / 2018. Congratulations Lyn on a great effort.

Ladies Singles  Champion 2019/20 – Lyn Plater


Ladies Singles Championship runner-up Chris Starbuck and Winner Lyn Plater

Men’s Singles championship winner is Ron Summers with Kelly Kay as Runner-up. Once again, this contest justified the prestige rating for our Club. Kel. had Ron on the ropes at 18 – 12 in a first to 21 contest but Ron gave his all to take the contest 21 – 19. This too was not Ron’s first time as our Singles Champion, there was also young Ron in 2009 / 2010, then again in 2011 / 2012 and still again in 2013 / 2014. Four times on the singles board makes him equal record holder with Laurie Pingilly, a truly great achievement.

Men’s Singles Champion 2019/20 – Ron Summers


Men’s Singles Championship winner Ron Summers and Runner-up Kelly Kay

Ladies Plate winner was Ladies Director Margaret Hall from Patsy Smith.

Ladies Singles Championship plate winner Margaret Hall and runner-up Patsy Smith