Scroungers – every Friday afternoon
Scroungers is running at close to record numbers with eighty six people turning up last week for a game. Our record stands at ninety bowlers, set last year, so we are not far away.
Scroungers is a game for everybody and is usually your first introduction into competitive bowling after you have got the taste for bowling from Corporate bowls, you have had a couple of lessons and you want to take the next step. You play as an individual in a group usually of four so you are not letting someone down if those useless bowls are not on target. You could be up against the Club champion getting a bit of practice or another novice testing the water. Either way, it is not overly serious. You don’t even need a partner as it is a ‘popstick’ draw.
Ted usually tells one of his jokes at half time and then draws the raffle so there is a chance you could have a enjoyable game of bowls, have a laugh and win a bottle of wine. There is even a chance you could win some money playing bowls.
Most important of all you could meet and associate with other Club members.
Friday afternoon 1.00 pm for a 1.30 pm start. Dress is mufty.
Everybody – 16 ends three bowls. Semifinals – 6 ends for winners, 6 ends for all of the others not winners. Finals – 6 ends to decide scrounger for the day.