Lest We Forget
Thank you to all of those who contributed to the driveway Dawn Service photo collection of ANZAC DAY 2020.
If you did not send a photo but have one, send it in and I will add it to the collection. If I missed someone or if you can supply some names, that would help too.
President Phil, June Lewer, Alan Hunter
____, Jarvo, Jamo.
Mary Johnson
Janine Baker, Jarvo, Mick O’Halloran and Grandson Jack
Photo from Chris Hill, Jacki Henry (Neil’s medals on the right)with tribute to Australian and New Zealand flags, ____
Tribute by Pam and Keith Fleming
Street Scene
Street scene
Street scene
Jill and Rod Gumbleton, Kevin and Dianne Lobb, David McCormack with Grand Kids.
Graham Steele
Jamo, Photo from JJ, Paul Ewing
Mariee Scanlon, Laurie Scanlon, Bob Day
Bob Jackson, ______, Vern and Jennie Wright
Mike Bodecott, Peter Brown, Jean Bodecott
Tribute from Desley Jenkins