HHBC Bowls Events / Fixtures (from Fixture Book)

LADIES PENNANT Results & Tables


Ladies Summer Bowls Events  2023 / 24

Social bowls for Ladies for the bowling season are listed in the appropriate links above, along with Pennant games, club championship events and other events of note.

Winter Social Bowls

In addition to the above, the following Ladies/Mixed social bowls events are organised at HHBC for the winter months.   Members and non-members are all welcome to attend.

  1. Ladies Social.  Ladies Bowls is held on Thursday afternoons during the winter months.  Please check with the Ladies Captain or the Office for further details to confirm.  (Names in by 12 noon, Mufti).
  2. Mixed Bowls Scroungers.  Every Friday afternoon throughout the year, names in by 1pm. Mufti.

Please check the above event links for potential pennant and other event conflict dates.