Men’s Tyrepower Fours
Thanks to event sponsor – Mandurah Tyrepower.
The total event prizes amounted to $2,000. The raffle prize of $500.00 voucher for tyres from Tyrepower was won by Alan Grieves of Yunderup.
A great deal of thanks to all of the volunteers including Jenny Berson, Noleen Krikke, Kay Irvine, Chris Barker, Sandra Williams and Lyn Clouston for the excellent food and service they provided throughout the day. Big thanks to Heather Little and Little Joy for running the raffles
Thanks to Bob Plater and his greens maintenance group for presenting great bowling greens for us to play on. More thanks to Bob Plater for setting up the rinks this morning
Thanks to Chris Hill, Denny Berson, Harry Williams and Max Hughes for their work in the match office. Thanks again to Bob Plater for his role of ‘Umpire of the Day’
Thanks to the Colin, Kerri and the rest of the bar staff for their great service during the day. Special appreciations to Kerri for putting the COVID-19 snacks together
Finally, Halls Head thanks all of you bowlers who came here and helped make this a really good day. A total of forty four teams had a great day of bowling.
Winner Ron Summers, Ewan Apps, Peter Little, Graham Johnson
R/Up Ivan Perica, Tom Mathein, Paul Kelly, John Stogan
Third Keith Guelfi, Kelly Kay, Stuart Anderson, John Lysaght
Fourth Ian Unkovich Tony Krajancic Dicko Golem Dennis Tomasich
Round 1 Gary McCarthy Ian Young Ben Rayner Laurie Scanlan
Round 2 Ken Barker Alan Buckingham Doug Ashfield Carl Pizzino
Round 3 John Trewhella Peter Cole Denis Nagle Matt Trewhella